Xmas Moonrise in Sextans ^ Xmas LeexxX Moon in Sextans http://ow.ly/3ujba Academic Zodiac http://lulu.com/astrology RTRRT http://ow.ly/i/6H8L 2010-Dec-25 16:13 * Leo 2010-Dec-25 16:14 * Leo 2010-Dec-25 16:15 * Leo 2010-Dec-25 16:16 * Sex 2010-Dec-25 16:17 * Sex The scans and one-minute ephemerides show Moon in Sextans and Corvus. http://lulu.com/astrology http://ow.ly/3uikv Download the one-minute Mercury in Ophiuchus ephemeris for Seattle. Have all your planets right where they belong within your own horoscopes.