#Royal #wedding under the auspices of Venus, Jupiter and Uranus in #Cetus. http://stores.lulu.com/astrology #PrinceWilliam #katemiddleton #royalwedding #author #engagement #RW2011 #Divorce #astrology #horoscope #synastry #UK First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2011 {http://stores.lulu.com/astrology} Copyright © 2011 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The names of dedicated publications are normally given in italics. A Siren's Wedding Copyright © 2011 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. {http://www.lulu.com/astrology} GENESIS What is Cetus? Divinity architects a suprastral{1} model of a master Whale, from which all whales are subsequently modeled from their own astral blueprints. This whale happens to be of special significance to God. In Astrology, Cetus is one of the largest zodiacal ascendants for the present epoch. The very age we live in is properly addressed to as Æon of Cetus II. We are born to an era when the totem of the whale is sacred to the astral dolphins, protectors of all life on this planet. THE PRINCESS' GOWN The royal siren's dress be fashioned after the regalia of an undine queen. A dress reflects the shiny cocoon as enwrapping the physical emanation. These shine the intent of Venus in Cetus as present at the ceremony. We are made of holy water in blessing the deep waters{2} of this planet that still hold mysteries for us to discover. UNDINE ENERGY She brings peace to the realm. Venus in Cetus is a good sign even for the now dwindling oil reserves of the UK. With Jupiter in Cetus, oil becomes major concern. As fights go on in Libya and elsewhere, Jupiter enters Cetus. We are in the year 2011, looking forward towards 2012 when Uranus enters Cetus in turn. MARS IN CETUS Everyone furthers good, but in our foolishness we tend to see others as intruding upon our own turf. The moss stirred. We set bombs and traps even for our own kind, only to have them set at home. With Mars in Cetus, stirring in the London underground{3} was felt. Venus in Cetus can calm this and other stirrings. THE FALL OF SATAN What are the fightings about? Young minds are unstable. True mind never sees any problem at all. It is default mind, the mind of Adam fallen, that provokes stirring. In being stirred itself, it sees stirring all around. This mind is not calm and can not be calmed. It can nevertheless be replaced with the original mind and the problem is solved. This is the ideal of a new world: a world without default ego. GROUND ZERO COMET{4} Our ideas are strong as ourselves: we want to help others by imposing them on them, even when are not so sweetly in accord with our own. ROYAL HERALDRY Whale slaughter and oil spill result in the marooning of nuclear submarines. In order to understand the age we live in and thus avert submarine wars, let us take a look at the spring equinox. The Sun is conjunct the stars of Cetus. At this special time, precession is traditionally measured as being in Pisces. Pisces and Aquarius stand for averages when nothing special happens. On the contrary, the ages as marked by Cetus and Pegasus stand for humanity's peak experiences. Cetus and Pegasus are the zodiacal constellations of our times. AGE OF PEGASUS The time when Venus will be observed as rising in Pegasus is upon us. No wonder that people get interested in the zodiac. After a dark age of superstition, we begin to discover the meaning of precession in racial evolution. We recall the Age of Osiris, marking the words of God as addressed towards CINGVLA ORIONIS. The Orion Belt is given credit once again as the Dalai Lama preaches tolerance. It is so easy to be belligerent and stirred, like default mind ever is, but not so easy to sit within one's true mind and be tolerant. ENCAPSULATION OF AGES The ascending New Age or Era of Eridanus finds itself as encapsulated within the Venusian Age of Pegasus II, which in turn is contained within the Æon of Cetus. 1622 Can one see them nether ascendants and zodiacal stations? Greenwich as any place will do as anyone is entitled in observing one's own guardian angel ascendant along with the 22 constellations of the zodiac. On the other hand, anyone can see that e.g. Aries is not one of the ascending constellations for the present epoch at all. While some zodiacal constellations do rise at east, many don't. Scutum does not. Capricornus, Sagittarius and Scorpius are exempt from eastern precession. No one you would happen to know can possibly have these ascendants in their own horoscope, since they do not rise in the real sky at all for the present epoch. Hydra, on another hand, does rise at east for the present epoch, thus Venus in Hydra is an eastern phenomenon. As phenomena can be observed, they are not based on blind faith, or rather, superstition. This fact immensely annoys people who base their preaching on keeping themselves and consequently their public out of touch with any real skies at all. One glance at them real skies and all superstition bursts like a foul seven seas bubble. There are 22 zodiacal stations in the real sky, along with 16 ascendants. Proving this simple fact is easy along with due observation. Naked eye will do. Further data can be obtained from the IAU, Harvard MPC and NASA JPL, as well as from this Author and site {http://lulu.com/astrology} and its affiliates. TRUE MIND Default mind? Everyone has one. All have the same. The mind of the world is quite incapable in solving the problems that it provokes. Entropy calls for more stirring, while resting in quiet like an ancient whale recalls true mind. REPTILIAN REGALIA Yet another nether ascendant rules as regent{5}, as the Lion{6} and Unicorn{7} secretly bracket Hydra. Venus was recently in Hydra, a less benevolent siren, as copiously documented through astrological - apocalyptic literature on the site. Yet, there are dangers... * You are yourself. * You are not somebody else. * You are your own best horoscope. * The best horoscope is you. * A single place for your horoscope: you. * The best place for your horoscope is within you. * The best horoscope for you is your own. * You are not somebody else. * You are not an imaginary existence. * Your life is not a simple chord as strummed upon by any passerby. * Your life is not choked by Procrustean models. * The best way to start changing futurity is to be informed. * You don't want to serve as horoscope for another. * You don't want to be somebody else's horoscope for life. * You are not the horoscope of someone that never was. 16:22 16:22 stands for the 16 ascendants and 22 zodiacal stations. 16 ? There are sweet little 16 ascendants rising at east. 22 ? 22 is the total number of the zodiacal constellations of the New Zodiac. 22:16 Tarot fans can easily remember the number of zodiacal constellations, since 22 coincides with the number of the major arcana of the Tarot. Conversely, geomantic 16 is applicable to the court cards of the Tarot. Zodiacal alphaconsumers want an #astrology product badly enough to fund innovation http://bit.ly/gMN2SR #Technology #zodiac #Ascendant $500 Natal Ascendant calc | 50 $ promo | Nominal 500 $ | {http://bit.ly/ejKJZi} | {http://bit.ly/e4LvmR} #astrology #ascendant #horoscope #zodiac Klaudio Zic The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1981 - 2011 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide. Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law. This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from {http://www.lulu.com/astrology} {http://dld.bz/RTRRT} NASA JPL ephemeris strip for the winter Sun. 2011-Oct-25 00:00 Vir 2011-Oct-28 00:00 Vir 2011-Oct-31 00:00 Vir 2011-Nov-03 00:00 Lib 2011-Nov-06 00:00 Lib 2011-Nov-09 00:00 Lib 2011-Nov-12 00:00 Lib 2011-Nov-15 00:00 Lib 2011-Nov-18 00:00 Lib 2011-Nov-21 00:00 Lib 2011-Nov-24 00:00 Sco 2011-Nov-27 00:00 Sco 2011-Nov-30 00:00 Sco 2011-Dec-03 00:00 Oph 2011-Dec-06 00:00 Oph 2011-Dec-09 00:00 Oph 2011-Dec-12 00:00 Oph 2011-Dec-15 00:00 Oph 2011-Dec-18 00:00 Oph 2011-Dec-21 00:00 Sgr 2011-Dec-24 00:00 Sgr 2011-Dec-27 00:00 Sgr So that your planets can learn their place. Text-able and tweet-able info as follows: New Zodiac ~ New Natal Ascendant 16 ascendants 22 zodiacal stations {http://dld.bz/new_zodiac} 5000 publications {http://dld.bz/new_zodiac.qr} {http://inkmesh.com/search/?pc=10&qs=Academic+Zodiac+RTRRT+Klaudio+Zic} #Zodiac 13 signs? No!> #22 zodiacal signs | 12 #ascendants? No!> #16 ascendants http://dld.bz/new_zodiac #fb #astrology #horoscope #tarot {1}A kabbalistic allusion. See Genesis. {2}Era of Eridanus, New Age. {3}London underground bombing happened with Mars in Cetus. These were times when Eris was discovered in Cetus within the X-zodiac. The zodiac had over 40 constellations at the time. {4}New York stirrings, comet Elenin as opposing Jupiter in Cetus; with Typhon and Saturn, especially on 11-9-11. {5}A biblical allusion to the mind of this world. {6}Otherwise addressed as Leo Minor, due to a sympathetic biblical indoctrination from the Anglican church. In another place, the little lion is coupled with an unicorn: not all translations agree. {7}Monoceros, one of the 16 ascendants.