PREDICTIVE ASTROLOGY New Zodiac ~ New Natal Ascendant 16 ascendants 22 zodiacal stations + 5000 publications First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009, Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. PREDICTION Prediction consists in scanning and determining an upcoming event as concern its quality along with excellent timing1. The magus2 determines the minute of the marriage seven years ahead, which stands for excellent timing. The year of the event is good timing while the month of the event is fair as concern prediction3. Such prediction is usually made in minutes by amateurs. Experts will add some spice in determining the second of the event along with the ephemeris for the ascendant. DIRECTIONS Among a vast choice of directions4, we chose the most reliable, essential and fast, namely secondary angular and primary directions. The primary direction requires no equipment as used by the astrologers of the past in minute predictions. The secondary angular direction will work with planetarium programs. RULERSHIP Rulership is not given for granted, as an initiate astrologer will make an effort towards the best rulership for the occasion; therefore, in setting a horoscope for the cult of the ox, one can safely assume that Mars rules Taurus. There is much freedom as concern secondary rulership, even primary when it comes to ascendants such as Monoceros. PLUTO Pluto rules Cetus and Eridanus. Historically, Pluto was the primary ruler of Boötes, Serpens and Coma Berenices. Pluto never enters Pisces or Aries, as it has no business there. There is no such thing as Pluto in Pisces or Aries. Pluto’s rulership in Cetus is shared by Eris and historically Sedna. Cetus is a most busy zodiacal station in the Age of Cetus III, with planets, the Moon, Earth coorbitals, dwarf planets and centaurs swarming in Cetus. Cetus is not only the zodiacal constellation of the moment but also the featuring ascendant of the Age of Cetus. ERIS Eris rules in Cetus. In the case of the WTC, it sets in Cetus, as sitting precisely on the NYC western horizon. As in the WTC map the Moon is in Orion, it can assume the rule of secondary ruler in Orion. In matters of love and war, Venus rules Orion for obvious reasons. People with strong purpose will have Venus conjunct the Sun in Orion. As Eris never enters Taurus, the astrologer will not make the mistake of taking it for a Neptune-like object. The X zodiac applies to Eris much as the P zodiac applies to Pluto. STARGATE As concern the rulership of the Stargate, there is little doubt in the primary ruler, as Moon in Auriga stands prominently in watch of the holy alphabet and the Academic Zodiac. STARGATE OF HELL The other Stargate is much more populated by static celestial traps, as well as temporary indications of planetary activity. 2002 MS4 is most certainly one of the secondary rulers, along with Pluto. In the case of this busy stargate, we must assign rulership, as the map requires. In our own opinion, even three planets can rule this area in pyramidal unison. TRANSITS So-called transit directions are unnecessary in most cases. When minute precision is at stake, such as in evocation, the ephemeris for the ascendant is used. The hour, minute and second of the event is determined by transit direction. The astrologer will know the precise moment of the day when the baby will be married, even before it was born. HYDRA In secondary angular direction, when the ascendant is Hydra, such as in the case of Aleister Crowley5, we direct Venus as ruler of the ascendant. SEXTANS When the descendant is Sextans, Mercury rules the house of divorce. Mercury as ruler of Sextans is present in Sextans, in some exceptional horoscopes; thus, Keanu Reeves has his natal Mercury in Sextans. The initiated astrologer is of course free to appoint the Moon as c/o ruler in Sextans in special cases such as in real estate astrology; also, the secondary rulers of Sextans for this epoch can be Orcus, 2002 AW197 or an outer guardian. In horary astrology, a secondary ruler can even be a centaur object, Apohele or Earth co-orbital. NATAL DIRECTIONS The secondary angular directions that happen immediately after or even before birth are of special interest in predictive astrology, thus in the case of Carl Gustav Jung, the natal Moon can be regressed into Cetus for the purpose of studying his own subconscious drives. Klaudio Zic Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide. Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law. This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.