PEARLS AND BRASSS Limited Edition LP (BLB098) -
This monumental effort from this Nazareth, PA trio is finally available on wax but in a strictly limited edition of 20 COPIES. Hand screend covers. A full records' worth of Grand Funk style guitar jams the likes of which haven't been seen in this country for decades. Not for the weak. $25.00 | 
FORCE FIELD "Lord of the Rings Modulator" 2LP (BLB087) -
Force Field's monumental "Lord of the Rings Modulator" is now available on double LP and CD on BULB. After wowing the New York art folk at the Whitney Biennual last year, Force Field ahve gone on to make appearances in ArtForum, the New York Times and other high class publications. They now engage in speaking tours at museums and art schools and have been invited to perform before the King of Norway in a special celebration. "Lord of the Rings Modulator" is the soundtrack to their wanderings and the second release on the BULB Underworld series of soundtracks to your role playing Sunday knights. TWO RECORDS of electronic fury, there are only 500 LP's and they are almost all gone.
$12.00 | 
Recorded in 1986 in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, this is one of the most important records of the 20th century. A brain damaged trip into the bowels of the Mississippi underground. Before there was BULB, Hanson or Blackjack, there was Primordial Sid's and this was their crowning acheivement. Limited to 150 copies. Screened covers. VERY FEW LEFT.
$12.00 | 
MIND FLAYER "Take Your Skin Off" LP (BLB084) -
Mind Flayer is the synthesis of Mr. Brinmann (Meerk Puffy, Force Field, MC Brinkmandibles, Danse Asshole) and B. Chippendale (Lightning Bolt). Like having your brain sucked out at the bottom of a dungeon, Mind Flayer rip and tear at your psyche with psionic skill and power.
"Take Your Skin Off" captures the band like no other release they have done before, a complete record with connections to the atral plane. Get out you Players Handbook and study up on your illithid interpretation techniques.
$12.00 | 
"The Unmasked Organ Light-Year of Inifinity Man" BLB-072
See below.EXTREMELY Limited edtion GOLD (300) hand screened covers! $12.00 |

25 SUAVES "1938" LP (BLB083) -
Newest record from 25 Suaves and a keeper. Rock tunes for rock people. Guaranteed that you will listen to this more than twice or your money back. Our best record yet even if I'm in the band. LP limited to 500 strictly. $12.00 | 
TEMPLE OF BON MATIN "Cabin in the Sky" LP (BLB074) -
Newest record from Ed Wilcox's Temple of Bon Matin. A psychic journey. Covers screened by Pete Larson so they must be good. 300 press.$12.00 |

W.K. "Party Til You Puke" BLB-073DX 12" - The "Party Til You Puke" 12" DXEP is out
now. Ready to hit dance halls all across the country, "Party
Til You Puke" will most certainly be remembered as a
groundbreaking work. Straying from the bombast of "Girls Own
Juice", PTYP is an all-out dance BURNER! $12.00

DUOTRON "Battalia Feminil!" (BLB-046)
LP - Duotron's last full length
LP and their testament to the wrongness of staying together.
The Rikkirututdfkljqueh and the Odi ring your neck with 12 or
so songs of hate and destiny. Cause your neighbors to leave
their residence by playing this loudly to prove your manliness
and communistic fury! Grrrrrrrr! Get this extremely rare vinyl
copy of this legendary release. $12.00 |
25 SUAVES "I Want it Loud" - BLB099 CD - The second offering from the Suaves promises to kick and clean. Recorded in 2004 with Dave Sahijdak (Melvins) on bass, "I Want it Loud"
will take up where 1938 left off. 9 tunes of total terror!$12.00 |

CD version of Wolf Eyes definitive release. It doesn't get better than this, mindblowing mesh of Negative Approach and TG. See
Eyes Page for
more details! You can't miss this record! $12.00 |

W.K. "Party Til You Puke" BLB-073DX CD - The "Party Til You Puke" CD DXEP is out
now. Ready to hit dance halls all across the country, "Party
Til You Puke" will most certainly be remembered as a
groundbreaking work. Straying from the bombast of "Girls Own
Juice", PTYP is an all-out dance BURNER! $12.00

TODD s/t - BLB091 CD - Todd hail from merry england and play loud
sludge rock that will kick your ass. Features Craig Clouse of
Hammerhead fame. Like a rubber encased steel mallet, Todd takes the
listener and kills them slowly and mercilessly.$12.00 |

OAKLEY HALL s/t - BLB097 CD - Papa Crazee of Oneida's psych country
million man march. This is their fledgling release and we couldn't be
prouder. After Papa left Oneida, he encased himself in various fuits
and fermented himself. Now he is in Oakley Hall and is allowing folks
to partake of his juices and it couldn't be sweeter. THIS IS AVAILABLE FOR ORDER NOW ONLY THROUGH BULB MAIL ORDER! Distribution release date won't be til January!
$12.00 | 
ROITAN s/t - BLB095 CD - I will call this record "Roitan: will kick your ass". This is the second release on BULB/LARSON, a
bulb imprint specifically for folks who deserve it. I mean that. Roitan are like
all those later ZZ Top records that you all ignore but rule like the
cloud. A kick ass journey into the throughs of a Mississippi casino,
Roitan will both terrify and mystify you. This is the former bass player
from 25 Suaves, just in case you wanted to know.$12.00 | 
New! ELVISH PRESLEY "Black Elf Speaks" CD (BLB094) -
See the recent writeup in Blender's Mariah Carey comeback issue! Like an acid laced trip
through forest minds and elven tomes, Black Elf Speaks takes the listener
a journey, where creation stories are created from scratch, of the
of elves which dissappears upon reading, to the power and might of the
forest. "Black Elf Speaks" is the legacy that bands such as the
String Band leave, impressing young minds that deconstruct and
and whole generation of naturalistic hippy tendencies. Uhhh... pass the peace pipe...$12.00 | 
Second in a series of 2 compilations of 7 inches released by BULB. This one covers the years 1995-present. Includes Demolition Doll Rods, Tweezers, Quintron, 25 Suaves, Voodoo Boots, Wolf Eyes (w/remix by Andrew WK), King Brothers, Galen, Magas and MORE. Limited to 500, never to be pressed again. Help us get out of debt AGAIN.$12.00 | 
First in a series of 2 compilations of 7 inches released by BULB. This one covers the years 1993-94, the earliest days of the label and perhaps the most groundbreaking. Includes the often soughts out and out of print COUCH seven inch, Prehensile Monkeytailed Skink, Bullet in the Head, garage rockers The Monarchs, Shriek and Cornelius Gomez. A slice of history. Find out what originally inspired a whole generation including Wolf Eyes, Andrew WK, Load Records, the Boredoms, Matt Brinkmann, Scully of the X-Files and a host of other artsist, mathematicians and political figures. This CD is in an absolutely limited edition of 500. Once these are gone and we've paid all the people we owe money to we will never press these ever again.$12.00 | 
FORCE FIELD "Lord of the Rings Modulator" CD (BLB087) -
Force Field's monumental "Lord of the Rings Modulator" is now available on double LP and CD on BULB. After wowing the New York art folk at the Whitney Biennual last year, Force Field ahve gone on to make appearances in ArtForum, the New York Times and other high class publications. They now engage in speaking tours at museums and art schools and have been invited to perform before the King of Norway in a special celebration. "Lord of the Rings Modulator" is the soundtrack to their wanderings and the second release on the BULB Underworld series of soundtracks to your role playing Sunday knights. TWO RECORDS of electronic fury, there are only 500 LP's and they are almost all gone.
$12.00 | 
MIND FLAYER "Take Your Skin Off" CD (BLB085) -
Mind Flayer is the synthesis of Mr. Brinmann (Meerk Puffy, Force Field, MC Brinkmandibles, Danse Asshole) and B. Chippendale (Lightning Bolt). Like having your brain sucked out at the bottom of a dungeon, Mind Flayer rip and tear at your psyche with psionic skill and power.
"Take Your Skin Off" captures the band like no other release they have done before, a complete record with connections to the atral plane. Get out you Players Handbook and study up on your illithid interpretation techniques.
$12.00 | 
25 SUAVES "1938" CD (BLB082) -
Newest record from 25 Suaves and a keeper. Rock tunes for rock people. Guaranteed that you will listen to this more than twice or your money back. Our best record yet even if I'm in the band. $12.00 | 
MC TRACHIOTOMY "w/Love From Tahiti" CD (BLB075) -
15 tracks of love from MC Trachiotomy. A featured member of Quintron's Drum Buddy Badass, MCT has compiled 58 minutes of slow jams perfect for any hotel occasion. $12.00 |

ASS BABOONS OF VENUS "Phuket ala Bum Bum" CD (BLB076) -
Possibly the stupidest record ever released by BULB. The legendary Ass Baboons of Venus sing 16 songs of anal philosophy. An amazing piece, a children's favorite.$12.00 |

ANDREW W.K. "Girls Own Juice" CD (BLB068) -
Out of stock. $12.00 |

(BULB GOLD REISSUE series #2)"I.F.
001-011" CD (BLB-064) $12.00 For those of you who
missed it the first time, here it is, Mr. Quintron's first
full length record. Quite different from his already wide
body of releases, this CD serves as a window into the history
of one of the finest performers of the past 30 years. "I.F.
001-011" documents the days of Mr. Quintron's brief but
fruitful career as a haunted house curator, endlessly playing
the drum for days straight with little or no break. This record
will take you on a journey. From one percussive experiment
to another to a bevy of homemade and prefabricated electronic
instruments. Into the world of the cavernous Milk of Burgundy
where much of this was recorded. Although different, this
record will certainly not disappoint. For those of you who
were privileged enough to own the original extremely limited
vinyl pressing of Mr. Quintron's first full length album,
this CD will be a welcome addition to your already growing
Quintron collection.
Ed Wilcox's "big band" record. Covers are hand made by Wilcox himself. On Little Army. $12.00 | 
OF BON MATIN-"Bullet into Mesmer's Brain" CD (BLB-054)-
Free jazz? I don't think so but you can call it that if you
want. The latest from metal master Ed Wilcox, this time with
a collection of freaks never seen before or again. Unfortunately
one of the most overlooked resident geniuses of the 1990's.
Like Arthur Doyle having sex with the L.A. Guns in a vat of
green beans. It's good but you 'll never know it unless you
buy it. Stunning. $12.00 |
OF BON MATIN- "Enduro" (BLB-043) CD
Step aside for the rocket ride, and check out this monster from
hell!. Ed Wilcox and the Good Morning brothers bring you several
songs of misanthropic glory, all spread like butter to the tune
of rock that you all are afraid to make! The proclaim themselves
to be a cross between Merzbow and the L.A. Guns and we couldn't
agree more. $12.00
POUNDERS "She Shakes" CD (LAR026) We are proud
to annouce the first release of Larson Records, a special BULB
offshoot label. The first release will be Memphis new-wave king
Brad Pounders (formerly of Smells Like recording artists The
Clears). This 80's filled new wave exploration should make everyone
dance to a tune of Juno/Korg filled nightmares. OUT NOW! $12.00.

25 SUAVES - CD (BLB-059)-
After coming off their tour with the King Brothers, 25 Suaves
have finally released the full length of the century! Like
a party where somebody puts a DNA record on auto repeat and
everybody starts to think it's James Brown, 25 Suaves breath
in and take the rock like you want it! Geeeehhhhh! Get it
now, cover by DJ Party Girl! Produced by Shuhei Rock CD $12.00
MIKEY WILD"I Was Punk Before You Were" CD (BLB-061) $12.00 Full
length CD documenting the career of Philadelphia punk veteran
Mikey Wild. Spanning a history of nearly 20 years, Mikey has
beaten everyone in the New York/Philly punk contest for longest
running maniac in history. With barely a second grade education
under his belt, his power to woo the women and spin the rawest,
to the point punk rock songs in history definitely puts him
in space next to Lou Reed, stiff Little Fingers, Watty, Bob
Dylan, and Joe Strummer, but its a camp where all the aforementioned
have run away in fear of being put to shame. CD $12.00
VELOCITY HOPKINS "s/t" (BLB-006/Insignificant) CD - Long overdue
and anxious, Mr. Velocity Hopkin's testament to space and
time is here for you. 22 songs of hate and family breakup come
blasting through your speakers in a free metal marathon that
won't quit unless you can name all the players involved. Includes
members of Galen, Easy Action and the famous L.A. Ellington
(Andrew WK), former drummer of the Pterodactyls. Get it for
the cover alone. $12.00
INCAPACITANTS "Asset Without Liability"
(BLB-045) CD - In what situation
are the Incapacitants listened to? Washing clothes? Cooking?
Driving to Alabama? The best of all the Incapacitants release
so far! Hears the gestations of the Laurel and Hardy of noise
on this colorful and pleasant BULB release. $12.00 |
ICHIBAN- "Comma" CD (YOI-026)-
Japanese import of Yokuzuna's second release. Only a few of
these around. $12.00 |
No Pic
ICHIBAN- "Dismay" CD (BLB-053)-
Here it is, BULB's first venture in ska! You may ask "what were
they thinking?" but listen and you can hear it! Rockers from
the country of Japan come to spread their monkey magic on you!
10 songs of stupidity come out to the world to rock YOU! Yeah,
YOU! Blows all conceptions of ska out of the water! Fucking
great! $12.00 |